The Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana was launched back on November 8th, 2021. Under the Delhi Shramik Mitra scheme, the benefits of the state government policies will be extended to the workers of Delhi. To ensure that the benefits are properly extended, the Delhi government will appoint around 800 Shramik Mitras who will go to the houses of the workers and educate them about the various state government benefits that the workers can get. The Shramik Mitras that the government hire will not only inform the workers about the Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana but they will also help them with the application process for availing the Shramik Mitra Yojana Delhi benefits.
Shramik Mitra yojana Delhi will help in improving the lives of the workers in Delhi. The Shramik Mitras appointed by the Delhi government will work towards this goal of assuring the proper delivery of scheme benefits to the workers.
Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana News
Today’s Update
Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana online application process will start soon, check this page frequently for direct links and more updates.
Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana Benefits
The main motive behind the Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana is to provide the workers of the state of Delhi with better living conditions. The Delhi Shramik Mitra scheme eyes aim to deliver different benefits to the workers and their families so that no one is missed in the process.
- Under the Delhi Shramik Mitra scheme, various state and central government benefits will be delivered to the workers of Delhi with utmost assurance
- As per the Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, 700-800 Shramik Mitras will be appointed. They will visit the homes of each worker. Now, they will work to attach them and with various schemes
- Workers can get benefits from all the central and state government schemes that are affiliated with the Shramik Mitra Yojana
- The Shramik Mitras will work in the district, legislative assembly and ward levels
- In fact, the Shramik Mitras will be divided in such a manner that there will be 3 to 4 Shramik Mitras in every ward of Delhi
- Also, the government has indicated that the Shramik Mitras will work with the workers till they start receiving the benefits while providing all the help and support in the process
- Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana, workers will get Rs 3 to 5 lakh for constructing a house
- Besides, workers can get Rs 20,000 loan along with an assistance of Rs 5000 from the government to purchase their necessary equipment
- Workers can also acquire an amount of Rs 30,000 for the maternity benefit
- Moreover, an amount ranging from Rs 35,000 to 51,000 will be provided to the workers for the purpose of their marriage or the marriage of their children
- In case of the death of the worker, their family will receive Rs 1 lakh
- For accidental death of the worker, the family will receive Rs 2 lakh
- The workers will also receive Rs 500 to Rs 10,000 every month for education as well as higher education of their children.
- In any case if the worker becomes disabled, the family will receive Rs 1 lakh along with a monthly pension of Rs 3000
- Lastly, upon retirement, the worker will receive monthly Rs 3000 pension which will increase by Rs 300 on a yearly basis
Shramik Mitra Scheme Delhi
Scheme Name | Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana |
Beneficiary | Delhi workers |
Objective | To bring the benefits of the government scheme to all the workers |
Launched on Year | November 8th, 2021 |
State/Union Territory | Delhi |
Application Type | online/offline |
Official website | will be launched soon |
Delhi Shramik Mitra Scheme Eligibility Criteria
Here are the eligibility criteria and documents that are required for applying for the Shramik Mitra Yojana of the Delhi Government:
- The applicant must be a resident of Delhi for a long period of time
- Valid income certificates and proof for earning
- Age and address proof that is verified in all legal documents
- Passport size photograph
- Verified email-id and mobile number is required
- Ration Card and Aadhar card are mandatory
Online Registration Process for Delhi Shramik Mitra Scheme
For getting the benefits of the scheme, the candidate is required to register online. Now, for online registration under the scheme, follow these steps:
- Visit the official website of Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana
- Go to the homepage and click on the Apply Online button
- Upon doing so, you will see the application form on the screen
- Proceed to fill the verified information that has been asked for.
- Now, upload all the documents that is stated in the page
- Click on the submit button below to submit the form and complete the application process.
Delhi Shramik Mitra scheme online application
Shramik Mitra Yojana Delhi FAQ’s
When will Launched the Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana?
On November 8th 2021 the Shramik Mitra Scheme was launched.
Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana online application has started or not?
No Delhi Shramik Mitra Yojana online application process was not started.
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